We Live In An Extraordinarily Beautiful Town Situated On The Water
Walking on our trails and shores can feel vacation-like. Our goal is to keep boosting the beauty and vibrancy of our town by continually improving our public spaces, making them cleaner, and more usable.
We do this via a series of programs, including:
Give a Litter Bit/Clean Green Events
DIY Clean-Up Station
Port Washington Mural Project
Port Washington Blooms

Both our Give a Litter Bit and our Clean Green programs aim to reduce a problem that affects us all – litter. Unfortunately, litter can do more than just make a town unattractive. As a waterfront community, we must be aware that debris dropped on our streets can run off into the Bay, tainting our water and harming our marine life. Litter can lead to long-term consequences for our community and our environment.
To combat this constant problem, we conduct regular clean ups, oversee a cigarette butt recycling program, and advocate for enhanced street sweeping. Moreover, our Give a Litter Bit campaign asks community members and groups to commit to taking steps to reduce litter, including:
- Using reusable bags and bottles rather than disposable ones
- Tying garbage tight so it doesn’t blow around our streets
- Recycling
- Picking up litter
- Joining volunteer efforts to keep Main Street and other areas clean
- Spreading the word on social media to encourage others
Looking for community service? This is your opportunity — All hands on deck! Our Clean Green events gather community volunteers of all ages for periodic clean-ups of our beautiful town. Cleanups include sweeping sidewalks, picking up litter, planting flowers and preparing tree beds. Click here for our calendar to find out when we are having our next Clean Green event.

Our very first DIY Clean-Up Station has been installed at Sunset Park! RF recently unveiled two additional DIY Cleanup Stations at Bay Walk Park. Anyone can swing by, grab a bag and gloves from inside the box, and perform their own litter clean-up. Post your picture with the hashtag #givealitterbit so we can thank you.
Thank you to our sponsor Marlene Friedberg. Interested in sponsoring a clean-up station? Please Click HERE
The PW Mural project promotes pride in Port Washington on the walls of Main Street and beyond. By spotlighting the uniqueness of Port Washington – its history, citizenry, natural beauty, culture and diversity – this project aims to tell the story behind our incredible community. Created by Port Washington artists for Port Washington residents, the Mural Project is an ongoing way to take unused wall space and turn it into art.
We will periodically reach out to the community seeking concepts for the artwork and calling for local artists to submit designs.
Our murals currently include the following:

We live in a colorful town on many levels, and at least some of that color is provided by the hundreds of bulbs and plants that are planted by Residents’ volunteers each year as part of our PW Blooms program. When Residents was formed in the late 1960’s as Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington, our original mission was to beautify the town with plantings. This part of our mission lives on in much of what we do, but especially in the PW Blooms programs, which provide for planting hundreds of bulbs and plants each year in various parts of Port Washington.
Want to help us plant? Sign up for our e-mail list to be notified about this and other upcoming events. Click Here
Residents help Port Washington bloom in three main areas:
- Community Gardens: Located at the Post Office, the Train Station, Blumenfeld Park, and the Town Dock, our gardens are as diverse as our town. The Train Station Garden is the length of a football field. The Post Office Garden, with its nautical theme, anchors our town.
- Yearly planting of blubs (in the Fall) and flowers (in the Spring)
- Planters: Located up and down Main Street

The Peter and Jeri DeJana Foundation
Precision Work Inc.
Marlene Friedberg
The Brodsky Family
The Manko Family
Fathoms Hotel & Marina
The Hanft Family
The Krieger Family
The Vissicchio Family
The Zimmerman Family